19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

ADN Servers

ADN Servers- powered by ADN Digital, a proposed SBU of ADN Group, is one of the core products newly launched in Bangladesh. ADN Servers offers superior, reliable and premium Web Hosting to individuals and small businesses.


We’ve designed our entire process and products around providing everything starting from the enterprises to small businesses may need when they’re starting out or spreader wider; experience the quick, easy and hassle-free service. Our clients get full control of their choice. And our friendly team offers their expertise after your website go live.

About the Company

ADN Servers is brought by ADN Digital, a proposed SBU of ADN Group. ADN Digital is a Digital Lifestyle Service provider working on offering the 360-degree solution across the whole country. As a matter of fact, ADN Group has sole experience in installing Data Center in Bangladesh which has, by the way, made ADN Servers a powerful entity of ADN Digital to serve you with the better hosting solution.

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